The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

Our school is committed to serving its community and surrounding areas, and to celebrating the diversity of the UK.  We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith nature of the United Kingdom and understand the crucial role our school plays in promoting these values.  We encourage admissions from all those entitled to education under British law regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status. We are a school for all. 

We aim to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain and to ensure that our school ethos, curriculum and approaches to teaching and learning reflect and promote British values. We understand the role that our school has in helping prevent radicalisation and supporting our pupils in developing a world view, recognising Britain’s place within it.

We recognise that these values are not exclusive to being British and that they have come to be accepted throughout the democratic world as the method of creating an orderly society, in which individual members can feel safe, valued and can contribute to for the good of themselves and others.

We recognise that British values do not give total liberty to individuals or tolerance of all views. Their declared aim is to combat extremism, and so they do not condone attitudes that are discriminatory and not inclusive or loving.

British values are embedded in the life of our school. They are actively promoted through spiritual, moral, social and cultural education and form a part of our distinctive Christian character.

British and Christian values are regularly promoted through high quality teaching across the curriculum, within Collective Worship, and by a positive behaviour policy which allows pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attributes that will allow them to contribute positively to life in Modern Britain.

These values and attitudes are promoted and reinforced by all staff and used to provide a model of behaviour for all our pupils. The way in which the school community behaves and treats others is built upon a basis of respect, individual worth and Christian love, while recognising that many of these guiding principles are present in other faiths and cultures. The strong rooted values-based understanding gives children an excellent platform for embracing difference and diversity.


One of the fundamental values at our school is the right of all members of the school community to be heard and the responsibility of others to allow this to happen. This is taught and reinforced through all lessons, teaching and modelling to our pupils, how to make their needs and wishes heard in a way that society and school life find acceptable.

In the Early Years and Key Stage 1, there is particular focus on children learning to take turns and share in play; throughout their school life children are encouraged to share, and to show patience and respect.

The Rule of Law 

We have a clearly structured behaviour policy which all stakeholders understand and follow.  Pupils clearly understand the rewards and sanctions that are used. We regularly review behaviour incidents in school and share these with key stakeholders. All staff members have high expectations of the children in our school. The importance of rules are consistently reinforced in the classroom, as well as through school assemblies.

Pupils are taught the values and reasons behind laws and that they govern and protect us. Pupils are taught to understand the need for laws – that they are there for individual protection, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Within classes, pupils generate their own set of rules so that there is a common understanding of what is important in order for the class to be an orderly place to work.

Assemblies and discussions in class focus on recognising right from wrong. Pupils are taught the importance of right and wrong, in particularly relating to the schools Christian values. 

Individual Liberty

At our school, pupils are seen as unique and valued individuals, each of whom is equally important. Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for pupils to make choices safely. The aims, ethos and vision statement are embodied in all that we do in school. 

Pupils are encouraged to be independent learners, constantly making choices, within a safe and supportive environment. Children are encouraged to reflect both during and after lessons. Developing their self-esteem and self-confidence is very important. Pupils are encouraged to understand their personal freedoms and are taught how to exercise these rights to best effect. 

Children regularly have the opportunity to take part in fund raising activities for large charitable events such as Children in Need and Comic Relief. 

E-safety is a high priority in school.  Children regularly have e-safety lessons that teach and equip them to use technology effectively and safely enabling them to make choices in a safe manner.

Pupils learn about times within history when individual liberty has been challenged or compromised and they remember those who have given their lives to maintain our freedom.

Mutual Respect

At our school, our values of respect and tolerance permeate all areas of school life. This engenders a climate within which pupils feel safe and secure, and facilitates the fulfilment of potential. All staff demonstrate respect to everyone with whom they come into contact and act as positive role models for the children. They promote the behaviours and attitudes that are the foundation of positive relationships. The strong school ethos encourages everyone to consider and support each other and to celebrate the worth and individuality of every member of the school community.

Discussions in class and during whole school assemblies as well as issues that are promoted during collective worship, allow the children to show respect and reverence to all other individuals. Our children understand that respect must be shown to everyone, whatever differences there may be. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Pupils are reminded of their place in a culturally diverse society through our Religious Education curriculum and the spiritual life of the school. Assemblies and class work, including difference and diversity units promote the diversity of society and the right for each person to be respected and valued equally regardless of ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. As part of our work, we study different cultures and religions and offer children enrichment activities that celebrate these faiths.

The Bible is very clear that Christians should respect, tolerate and indeed love and help those of other faiths and cultures, underpinning the British values of mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Fundamental British Values

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