Thank you and well done for one of the best Sports Days that I can remember.

Thank you to everyone and all the Children they did really well.

Year 2 Parent/Carer - July 2023

My Grandsons go to Mary Howard C of E Primary School in Edingale, Tamworth.

This school is amazing in normal school days but during Covid the staff have bent over backwards to support the children and the parents. The School work has been sent out on time either by work packs or the internet and phone calls were made to support the Children during the first lock down.

My Grandsons did a couple of weeks before finishing for the holidays as both their Parents are Key Workers and the boys had been taught at home whilst Mummy and Daddy juggled their working from home etc.

This time round they have had to go to school. I am their Nanny and their support Bubble so I am doing the School runs. I can confirm how my two little Grandsons are coming into School and are learning and enjoying being there. It was horrible when I dropped them off the first morning I felt awful but they were happy. They came out of school happy. All of the Staff at this School are amazing. In fact, OUTSTANDING!

Year 3 & Year 5 Grandparent - February 2021

Mary Howard is a small school with a friendly/ family feel. There are lots of opportunities for parents and carers to get involved and when doing this, it has become very apparent to us that the children are full of confidence, are respectful, polite and very articulate. The staff are very passionate and proud of their school. We are very happy that we made a good choice!

Reception pupil parents/carers - April 2020

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