Winter Uniform



Blue school sweatshirt/jumper - Required Blue school sweatshirt/cardigan - Required
White shirt or polo shirt - Required White blouse or polo shirt - Required
Grey trousers  - Required Grey skirt/pinafore - Required
No Jeans No Jeans
Sensible black shoes - no trainers - Required Sensible black shoes - no trainers - Required 

Summer Uniform



Black or grey trousers/shorts - Required Blue & white school summer dress - Optional
Blue or white polo shirt  - Required Blue or white polo shirt - Required
Or plain blue/white T shirt  - Required Blue cardigan/jumper - Required
School sweatshirt/jumper  - Required Black/grey skirt or black/grey shorts - Required
Sensible black shoes – no trainers - Required Sensible black shoes – no trainers - Required

No uniform has to be branded with the school logo. As long as uniform is the correct style and colour, generic items will be acceptable.

Uniform can be purchased from S.K. School Uniforms or generic items can be purchased from Asda, Tesco and other local stores.  

PE Kit

Plain white T-shirt, black shorts and black trainers.

Outdoor kit - black track suit or jogging bottoms and trainers.

Children should come to school wearing PE kit on their PE days. 

All clothing items should be non-branded.


No jewellery allowed except stud earrings and a watch.  No jewellery allowed at all for PE. Jewellery must be removed by the children prior to PE.

Second Hand Uniform

Any donations of second hand uniform are greatly appreciated. We do a second hand uniform sale on the car park at the end of each term where parents can buy uniform at a reduced price. 

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