As a church school and a place where everyone can Grow and flourish’, we aim to create an environment that will nurture people’s minds, bodies and souls. We believe that spirituality should influence all areas of education and life. Therefore, we ensure that throughout the curriculum there are rich deep thinking opportunities which contribute to pupils’ spiritual development. 

Spiritual development relates to fundamental questions about the meaning and purpose of life which affect everyone and is not dependent on a religious affiliation.

We openly encourage children to reflect in the way that suits them best, enabling them to participate in an ongoing process of spiritual realisation and to flourish in a way that will help them find peace, comfort and strength throughout life's ever-changing journey. 

What does Spirituality do for our children?

To be in touch with your spiritual self means that you are self-aware.  Inevitably, spirituality requires reflection, introspection, questioning and engagement with ideas.  If we can breed the children’s spiritual being then we can enhance their self-esteem, we can improve their empathy and relationships; we can allow them to find their place in the world, to value others and themselves.  Beyond academic learning, we can support children to be founded, strong, meaningful and engaging citizens of the world who can bring greater value into their own lives and those of others.

To help the children understand their developing spirituality we explain it using clear language and symbols. 

10 Steps to Nurturing Your Child’s Spirituality

  1. Read to or with your child every day. Stories feed the imagination, especially those such as fairy tales, which are about good and evil, courage and weakness in an imaginary place or a mythical time. Bible stories, particularly those from the Old Testament, are great stories in themselves about what it is to be human as well as creating a knowledge base for future faith development.
  2. Share times of quiet – whether listening to a story tape, going for a walk, lighting a candle for someone in church or simply watching the ants.
  3. Keep in touch with larger communities like the family, school and church. 
  4. The best toys for encouraging the imagination are a large cardboard box or a blank piece of paper and a pencil.
  5. Play is important for both adults and children. It helps repair the broken and worn out pieces of life. The word recreation means creating again.
  6. Singing, especially with someone else, gives voice to joys and sorrows and forges relationships. This is why singing together at football matches and community sing songs bind people together.
  7. Teach your child to pray. One way is to make it a part of the bedtime ritual. A story followed by a quiet cuddle can be used to reflect on something good to thank God for. A problem can also be shared with God. It may be a time to say sorry to each other for an upset during the day. Or it may be the best treat of all – a time of comfortable silence ending with a kiss goodnight.
  8. Listen to your child and show that you recognise his or her feelings are important – in turn, they will learn to listen to yours.
  9. Show that relationships matter and everyone’s dignity should be respected whatever their age and whoever they are. 
  10. When you make mistakes – and every parent does – reflect on it and admit your mistake or blunder to your child and say sorry. The very fact of recognising and owning up to our faults can be immensely healing as well as a valuable learning experience for all concerned. 

If you would like to understand more about supporting your child’s Spiritual Development please look at the video below from the National Institute for Christian Education

Parents and Children's Spiritual Development: A Faith in the Nexus Animation

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