Welcome to Class Three!

Welcome! We are an enthusiastic, hardworking and kind class of Year 5 and Year 6 children who love to learn. Our learning environment is fun, friendly and engaging. The children in Class Three are taught by Miss Warner.

PE is taught on Mondays and Fridays. Class Three must come to school wearing their PE kits on this day. 

Additional learning is provided through homework, which is given out on a Friday and returned on a Wednesday. For more information about Class Three, please read the rest of our page along and keep up-to-date by reading our weekly class blogs and through ClassDojo!

Homework Guidance

What are we reading this year?

Curriculum Overviews

Maths Strategies

Useful Links

Times Tables Rock Stars

KS2 Maths BBC Bitesize

KS2 MyMaths

KS2 BBC Supermovers

Useful Links

KS2 BBC Bitesize

SPAG Word Mats

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spellings

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers

A Parents' Guide to Oracy at Home

Our Wonderful Learning Environment!

School & Trust Websites by Schudio