Because of our PE Curriculum, our children Grow and Flourish as physically active sportspeople through-

Wisdom-  the ability to acquire new knowledge and skills exceptionally well and develop an in-depth understanding of PE.

Love- A keen interest and willingness to participate eagerly in every lesson, highly positive attitudes and the ability to make informed choices about engaging fully in sport.

Perseverance- to make it through a challenging lesson or game, to further develop their technique and to face the challenges head-on and not be afraid to lose.



As stated in the 2014 Physical Education Curriculum aims, the PE curriculum at Mary Howard is designed to meet the needs of all pupils to ensure that they: - develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities - are physically active for sustained periods of time - engage in competitive sports and activities - lead healthy, active lives.

Our approach to teaching PE develops the learner as a whole and alongside the physical skills, encourages learners to reflect on and improve their skills. We aim to instil a positive attitude towards PE and physical activity to promote healthy lifestyles for our pupils currently and in the future.

Through our PE provision, children will:

  • Build confidence and resilience to try hard and make progress across all activities
  • Enjoy learning in and through the subject across the domains of physical skills, creative and thinking skills, and social, personal and leadership skills, and be able to apply those skills across their wider learning and beyond school
  • Be highly motivated and understand how to plan, organise and lead their own healthy, active lifestyles as well as influence those around them
  • Develop their physical well-being through increased stamina, strength and suppleness, and recognise the positive impact on their emotional well-being and health from engaging in physical activity on a regular basis
  • Be involved in learning about risk management, and their responsibility in this, in order for them to participate independently in physical activity in later life.


At Mary Howard, we follow the Get Set 4 PE schemes of work which are fully aligned to the National Curriculum and Ofsted requirements and focus on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning. Each unit of work has a different skills focus to develop the key abilities necessary for success in PE and sport and across the curriculum.

PE will be delivered consistently for at least 2 hours per week for all children. Children will experience a wide range of skills based and sport specific learning across the course of the academic year.

Teachers have high expectations of pupils and offer appropriate levels of support and challenge to ensure that every pupil is able to succeed and that every pupil is stretched in each PE session.

Extra Curricular Provision:

Through our partnership with external coaches, we provide a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities for children across all age ranges in our school. Children have the opportunity to access sports which they wouldn’t normally access through the main PE curriculum, such as ‘zorbing, laser tag and archery’.

Sports clubs will be provided by teaching staff, which provide children the opportunity to develop their skills in sport specific activities such as football and athletics. These opportunities will lead on to the chance to represent the school at local competitions.


Every child at Mary Howard will:

  • enjoy PE lessons and physical activity - be able to achieve and succeed - be able to combine physical skills with fluency and apply them consistently to a broad range of physical activities and sports
  • have the opportunity to take part in competitive sport through our partnership with Staffordshire schools.
  • be able to collaborate and communicate with others
  • understand and be able to articulate how they have made progress in individual PE lessons and over time
  • understand how to evaluate and recognise their own success
  • be able to explain the importance of leading a healthy and active life
  • develop their mental wellbeing through exercise and activity
  • leave Mary Howard as healthy, active children who enjoy and see the value in sporting activity and exercise, with a sense of fair play and respect for others.

As a result of staff CPD, staff are confident in delivering PE across the school. They are confident in implementing the scheme of work and in assessing children’s progress against the objectives within.

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